Specializing in Psychological Assessment and Treatment Since 1994
Welcome to my practice, conveniently located in Clinton, NJ. Here, I aim to provide comprehensive evaluative and therapeutic services. I understand that peace of mind comes with good ethics and sound competence. I continually train, study and consult with other specialists involved in complex parental custody matters, neuropsychological research, negotiation skills training, to further hone my treatment and evaluative skills.
Collaboratively trained attorney's involved in complex divorce negotiations know to turn to me when they want a divorce coach, an impartial parenting time evaluation or post divorce therapist who must help parents work through difficult parenting, relocation, gatekeeping and budgeting matters.
DCPP Caseworkers and attorneys representing clients through the Office of Parental Representation, know to turn to me when they need fair, thorough and concise Psychological Parental Fitness, Risk, Substance Abuse and Parental Termination Evaluations.
Attorneys representing parents and school districts know to turn to me when they need to assess a child's adjustment due to post concussion matters, bullying, difficulties maintaining attention, internet addiction, and other forms of misbehavior.
Jonathan D. Wall, PsyD
Dr. Wall moved to Clinton from Flemington, NJ in 1999. After establishing his private practice on Center Street, he recently relocated his home office, right around the corner, at 21 Water Street. Over the years, he earned a Bachelor and Master's degree from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 1985 and a Doctorate in Psychology Degree from the Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology in New York in 1994. Before opening his practice in Clinton, he trained at a variety of clinics and hospitals, beyond completing his residency training at Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu. In 2008, he obtained a Certificate in Neuropsychology through the Fielding Institute. Collaboratively trained, he applies his negotiation and conflict resolution skills in individual and family psychotherapy. When not providing therapy and evaluations referred by attorneys, schools and the court, he spends his time chairing a local sierra club group and hiking local trails, state and national parks with his partner and certified therapy dog, Rosie.
The Town of Clinton.
Often people travel a distance to be evaluated by Dr. Wall. Clinton, NJ offers a variety of places to eat, sleep and visit when not in session.
Dr. Jonathan D. Wall, PsyD
Since 2012, Dr. Wall has prepared neuropsychological evaluations referred by the court for children in a class action lawsuit. During the week he travels to the attorney's office to administer these evaluations, he has taken time to visit sites nearby.
Rosie, TDI certified therapy dog
Rosie, a special labrador
Rosie volunteers at our local library where children read books to her. She visits hospitals and events at the Red Mill Museum. Rosie is well trained. If a patient wishes her to attend their session, Rosie will sit quietly by. However, she is not present during an evaluation.
Family Law Evaluations
Assessing Family Members with Neuropsychological Issues are my specialty